Hésitation par rapport à la vaccination COVID-19 dans une population adulte représentative en France : une enquête basée sur les caractéristiques du vaccin

English only | Selon l'enquête réalisée en juillet 2020 par une équipe de chercheurs, dont Stéphane Luchini (CNRS, AMSE), environ un français sur trois en âge de travailler (29%) refuserait tout vaccin contre la COVID-19. Cette étude a été publiée dans The Lancet Public Health le 5 février 2021.
05 février 2021

"Researchers found that more than two-thirds of people (71%) could accept a vaccine depending on its characteristics, with their decision based largely on its effectiveness and country of origin.

Based on their findings, the authors recommend that mass vaccination strategies in France would be most successful if they use vaccines with robust evidence of high levels of effectiveness, especially vaccines produced in the USA or the European Union, and emphasise the collective benefits of herd immunity.

While the study was conducted in France - where vaccine skepticism, in general, is high -highlights potential hurdles that widespread distrust of new vaccines could pose to a vaccine rollout strategy to achieve herd immunity. The authors also note that the study was undertaken before the development of highly effective vaccines, which may have altered people's attitudes."

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Reference :

Read the paper (open access) : Michaël Schwarzinger M., Watson V., Arwidson P., Alla F., Luchini S., 2021, "COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in a representative working-age population in France: a survey experiment based on vaccine characteristics", The Lancet Public Health, online


Contact : 

 Stéphane Luchini (CNRS, AMSE)


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