Mathieu Faure
Perceived competition
à distance
Jeudi 27 mai 2021| 11:00 - 12:00
Gaëtan Fournier : gaetan.fournier[at]
Evgeny Tsodikovich : evgeny.tsodikovich[at]
Agents compete for the same resources and are only aware of their direct neighbors in a network. The natural outcome of repeated interactions in these settings is what we call peer-consistent equilibrium (PCE). We decompose the network into communities and completely characterize peer-consistent equilibria by identifying which sets of agents can be active in equilibrium. An agent is active if she either belongs to a strong community or if few agents are aware of her existence. We show that there is a unique stable PCE, in which agents’ effort levels are proportional to their eigenvector centrality in the network.
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