Nathan Vieira
MEGA Salle Carine Nourry
Maison de l'économie et de la gestion d'Aix
424 chemin du viaduc
13080 Aix-en-Provence
Philippine Escudié : philippine.escudie[at]
Lucie Giorgi : lucie.giorgi[at]
Kla Kouadio : kla.kouadio[at]
Lola Soubeyrand : lola.soubeyrand[at]
This paper documents the deadweight loss of the current short-time work scheme. I combine macroeconomic evidence and modelling to identify and quantify the effect of incentives to use the labor-market programme on employer-employee matching. By deriving an optimal short-time work policy, I show that current schemes provide too strong incentives to reduce the number of hours worked, resulting in lower output, lower earnings and higher public expenditure. I propose reducing subsidies for hours not worked and introducing subsidies for hours worked to offset the deadweight loss of short-time work schemes.