Philip R. Lane

policy lectures

Philip R. Lane

Chief Economist at European Central Bank
Inflation and Monetary Policy

IBD Amphi

Îlot Bernard du Bois - Amphithéâtre

5-9 boulevard Maurice Bourdet
13001 Marseille

Vendredi 22 mars 2024| 18:00

Gilles Dufrénot : gilles.dufrenot[at]
Céline Gimet : celine.gimet[at]


Following the surges of inflation in 2021-2022, which were driven by the energy shock, pandemic-related factors and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, euro inflation has already come down from the peak of 10.6 per cent in October 2022 to 2.8 per cent in February 2024. The latest ECB staff projections foresee inflation stabilising around the two per cent target from about the middle of 2025 onwards. In his speech, Philip Lane will discuss the ongoing process of disinflation in the euro area, the outlook for economic activity and the implications for monetary policy.

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Short bio
Philip R. Lane joined the European Central Bank as a Member of the Executive Board in 2019. He is responsible for the Directorate General Economics and the Directorate General Monetary Policy. Before joining the ECB, he was the Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland. He has also chaired the Advisory Scientific Committee and Advisory Technical Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board and was Whately Professor of Political Economy at Trinity College Dublin. He is also a research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research. A graduate of Trinity College Dublin, he was awarded a PhD in Economics from Harvard University in 1995 and was Assistant Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Columbia University from 1995 to 1997, before returning to Dublin. In 2001 he was the inaugural recipient of the Bernácer Prize for outstanding contributions to European monetary economics.