
Found 3679 results
Private Exploitation of the North-Western Sahara Aquifer SystemJournal articleAmine Chekireb, Julio Goncalves, Hubert Stahn and Agnès Tomini, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 273-287, 2023
Production Networks and International Fiscal SpilloversJournal articleMichael B. Devereux, Karine Gente and Changhua Yu, The Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 653, pp. 1871-1900, 2023
Productivity slowdown and tax havens: Where is measured value creation?Journal articleJean-Charles Bricongne, Samuel Delpeuch and Margarita Lopez-Forero, Journal of International Economics, Volume 143, pp. 103757, 2023
Profit Effects of Consumers’ Identity Management: A Dynamic ModelJournal articleDidier Laussel, Ngo Van Long and Joana Resende, Management Science, Volume 69, Issue 6, pp. 3602-3615, 2023
Quasi score-driven modelsJournal articleF. Blasques, Christian Francq and Sébastien Laurent, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 234, Issue 1, pp. 251-275, 2023
Rational housing demand bubbleJournal articleLise Clain-Chamoset-Yvrard, Xavier Raurich and Thomas Seegmuller, Economic Theory, Volume 77, Issue 3, pp. 699-746, 2023
Regulatory harmonization with the European Union: opportunity or threat to Moroccan firms?Journal articlePatricia Augier, Olivier Cadot and Marion Dovis, Review of World Economics, 2023
Religious leaders and rule of lawJournal articleSultan Mehmood and Avner Seror, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 160, pp. 102974, 2023
Respective healthcare system performances taking into account environmental quality: what are the re-rankings for OECD countries?Journal articleArmel Ngami and Bruno Ventelou, Health Research Policy and Systems, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 57, 2023
Revisiting fertility regulation and family ties in TunisiaJournal articleOlfa Frini and Christophe Muller, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 88, 2023
Robust Ekeland variational principles. Application to the formation and stability of partnershipsJournal articleMajid Fakhar, Mohammadreza Khodakhah, Antoine Soubeyran and Jafar Zafarani, Optimization, Volume 72, Issue 1, pp. 215-239, 2023
The role of customer and expert ratings in a hedonic analysis of French red wine prices: from gurus to geeks?Journal articleStephen Bazen, Jean-Marie Cardebat and Magalie Dubois, APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2023
The role of investor behavior in emerging stock markets: Evidence from VietnamJournal articleThi Nha Truc Phan, Philippe Bertrand, Hong Hai Phan and Xuan Vinh Vo, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 87, pp. 367-376, 2023
Scale-dependent and risky returns to savings: Consequences for optimal capital taxationJournal articleEddy Zanoutene, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 532-569, 2023
Sequential Mergers and Delayed Monopolization in TriopolyJournal articleDidier Laussel, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2023
Social Implications of Technological Disruptions: A Transdisciplinary Cybernetics Science and Occupational Science PerspectiveJournal articlePedro H. Albuquerque and Sophie Albuquerque, pp. 1-5, 2023
Spatial PolarisationJournal articleFabio Cerina, Elisa Dienesch, Alessio Moro and Michelle Rendall, The Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 649, pp. 30-69, 2023
Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting reported compliance with COVID-19 prophylactic measuresJournal articleIsmael Rafai, Thierry Blayac, Dimitri Dubois, Sebastien Duchêne, Phu Nguyen-Van, Bruno Ventelou and Marc Willinger, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 107, pp. 102089, 2023
A subgradient method with non-monotone line searchJournal articleOrizon P. Ferreira, Geovani N. Grapiglia, E. M. Santos and João Carlos O. Souza, Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 84, Issue 2, pp. 397-420, 2023
Targeting in networks under costly agreementsJournal articleMohamed Belhaj, Frédéric Deroian and Shahir Safi, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 140, pp. 154-172, 2023
Tax competition in the presence of profit shiftingJournal articleSteeve Mongrain, David Oh and Tanguy van Ypersele, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 224, pp. 104940, 2023
Technological innovations and obsolescence: Leveling the playing field for remanufacturingJournal articlePedro H. Albuquerque and Kiara S. Winans, 2023
Testing for causality between climate policies and carbon emissions reductionJournal articleBertrand Candelon and Jean-Baptiste Hasse, Finance Research Letters, Volume 55, pp. 103878, 2023
Towards a macroprudential regulatory framework for mutual funds?Journal articleChristos Argyropoulos, Bertrand Candelon, Jean-Baptiste Hasse and Ekaterini Panopoulou, International Journal of Finance & Economics, Volume n/a, Issue n/a, 2023
Underreporting of Top Incomes and Inequality: A Comparison of Correction Methods using Simulations and Linked Survey and Tax DataJournal articleEmmanuel Flachaire, Nora Lustig and Andrea Vigorito, Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 69, Issue 4, pp. 1033-1059, 2023