French hospital: resuscitation before operation

Only in French - Column written by Alain Trannoy in Les Echos newspaper. The economist, director of studies in EHESS, proposes ideas for reorganizing the health care system and health professions.
December 11th 2019

"Les mesures prises en faveur de l'hôpital vont desserrer en partie l'étau sur les établissements. Mais aucune amélioration réelle ne sera possible sans une profonde réorganisation de l'ensemble de notre système de soins, qui implique également une transformation de l'exercice libéral des professions de santé, écrit Alain Trannoy. L'idée : faire tourner tout le personnel infirmier et aide-soignant - y compris libéral - d'une zone donnée dans les hôpitaux publics locaux."

Lire l'article entier sur le site Les Echos

Previously issued

  • Dialogues économiques

Gender inequality: pay gaps also exist between companies

In Europe, the pay gap between men and women has halved since the end of the 1990s. However, over the last few years this trend has not continued. A team of researchers in economics has shown that pay differences between companies largely explain these inequalities.
April 24th 2024
  • Press

70 years of VAT: "It's a tax that hits the poorest households"

Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) was the guest on Franceinfo public radio's "L'invité éco" program.
April 12th 2024
  • Lectures

Film screening and discussion - "Los delincuentes" (2024)

Discussion moderated by the researcher Miriam Teschl (EHESS/AMSE), who is co-chairing the 2024 edition of the Aller Savoir festival organised by the EHESS.
April 11th 2024