Tenure-track position - Assistant Professor

November 10th 2021

The Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) is seeking to recruit one tenure track faculty member at the assistant professor level, with the position beginning on September 1st, 2022.

Applicants are expected to show outstanding commitment to research and must have obtained their PhD when taking up the position in September 2022. Candidates with a post-doc or a few years of experience are encouraged to apply. Fields in "econometrics", "big data", "applied macroeconomics", and "finance and microeconomics applied to risk" are particularly welcome.

For the first three years, we offer a reduced teaching load and the possibility of teaching all courses in English. Graduates of any country are eligible, but teaching in French will eventually be necessary.

The Aix-Marseille School of Economics is located in Aix-en-Provence and Marseille. The school provides a high quality research environment and provides fellows with appropriate research funds.

The deadline for application is November 10, 2021.

Three reference letters must be sent before the application deadline.

Shortisted applicants will be interviewed at the European job market.

To apply for this position, log in on the EconJobMarket website and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).