

Transport, Health and Climate Change: Deciding on the Optimal PolicyJournal articleOlivier Chanel, Laure Cabantous and Jean-Christophe Vergnaud, Economie Internationale, Issue 120, pp. 11-36, 2009

Transport generates many externalities, some related to atmospheric pollution. In this paper, we focus on two: greenhouse gases, and local pollution. In the search for optimal transport policies, these two externalities have usually been analysed separately. Here, we study them jointly, in a sequential decision-making model. Our model allows for the irreversibility of the policies undertaken, as well as the possibility of a progressive reduction of uncertainties with the arrival of information. We find that when both sources of externalities are analysed jointly, structural measures enabling private transport requirements to be reduced are identified as being more advantageous economically than technological measures to reduce emissions of pollutants. We illustrate the usefulness of a joint analysis of externalities with two examples: tax measures on cars and housing policy.

Apports de l’analyse économiqueBook chapterOlivier Chanel, In: Saturnisme : quelles stratégies de dépistage chez l'enfant ?, 2008, pp. 215-229, INSERM, 2008

L’analyse économique en matière de dépistage du saturnisme ne peut s’apprécier qu’au regard des connaissances des disciplines s’exerçant en amont : métrologie, toxicologie, médecine et biostatistique. Elle cumule, dès lors, aux incertitudes de ces disciplines les siennes, reposant sur les grandeurs monétaires et les choix méthodologiques. Il n’est donc guère surprenant que les ordres de grandeur relevés dans la littérature pour l’évaluation monétaire des bénéfices d’une même action de dépistage puissent varier d’un facteur 10 ou 20, ce fait n’étant d’ailleurs pas spécifique au saturnisme. En France, les études économiques portant sur les relations plomb/santé sont peu nombreuses, si bien que ce chapitre ne propose que des pistes de travail et de réflexion. Elles seront généralement fondées sur des études étrangères (anglo-saxonnes pour la majorité), avec les risques inhérents aux transpositions, accrus encore par les distorsions liées aux niveaux de vie, aux habitudes de consommation ou aux spécificités des systèmes de soins.

The Adoption and Use of Smart Card Technology in Banking: An Empirical Evidence from the Moneo Electronic Purse in FranceBook chapterZouhaïer M’Chirgui and Olivier Chanel, In: Advances in Banking Technology and Management: Impacts of ICT and CRM, Vadlamani Ravi (Eds.), 2008, pp. 70-87, IGI Global, 2008

The electronic purse is one of the latest smart card applications. It handles small payments and is complementary to other payment cards. However, there have been considerable obstacles to its widespread adoption and use by customers and retailers. This chapter explores and models the factors - economic, technological and social - and forces driving the adoption and use of the Moneo electronic purse in the South of France. An empirical study on 200 individuals allows us to analyse the determinants of the probability of adoption for consumers and retailers (Logit models) and of the frequency of use for consumers (Poisson model). The latter is found to be significantly explained by four factors (relative advantage, cost, visibility and security), income and gender with the expected sign. Finally, the reasons why Moneo's introduction seems to have met with failure are determined, and potential solutions to help reach the required critical mass by redirecting marketing strategies are proposed.

Heterogeneous anchoring and the shift effect in iterative valuation questionsJournal articleFrédéric Aprahamian, Olivier Chanel and Stéphane Luchini, Resource and Energy Economics, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 12-20, 2008

In this article, we consider starting point bias as a heterogeneous phenomenon, that is, respondents in CV surveys do not anchor in the sameway. We study the consequences of a mistaken assumption of homogeneous anchoring for the analysis of the shift effect in multiple-bounded dichotomous choice format, when respondents really have heterogeneous anchoring. We show that the shift effect, generally interpreted as incentive incompatibility or “yea”-saying, can be the spurious outcome of disregarded heterogeneous anchoring.

AJAE Appendix: Modeling Starting Point Bias as Unobserved Heterogeneity in Contingent Valuation Surveys: An Application to Air PollutionJournal articleFrédéric Aprahamian, Olivier Chanel and Stéphane Luchini, American Journal of Agricultural Economics Appendices, Volume 89, Issue 2, pp. 533-547, 2007

The material contained herein is supplementary to the article named in the title and published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, May 2007, Volume 89, Issue 2.

La dynamique des alliances et des acquisitions dans l'industrie de la carte à puceJournal articleOlivier Chanel and Zouhaïer M'Chirgui, Economie Appliquée, Volume LX, Issue 4, pp. 107-140, 2007

L'objectif de ce papier est d'examiner la logique adoptée par les acteurs de la carte à puce dans leur choix stratégique entre d'une part les alliances et d'autre part les fusions ou acquisitions. Nous recherchons les facteurs influençant ce choix, et qui dépendent du contexte social émergeant des alliances ou des relations antérieures, des caractéristiques des firmes partenaires et des conditions de l'industrie. Un échantillon de 321 alliances et de 83 acquisitions formées entre 1997 et 2003 est analysé. Les principaux résultats sont que les liens directs et indirects antérieurs ont un effet significatif sur ce choix, que les entreprises les plus centrales dans le réseau sont les moins exposées au risque d'être acquises et que les entreprises préfèrent établir des alliances lorsqu'elles appartiennent à des industries différentes ou verticales alors qu'elles préfèrent recourir aux acquisitions lorsqu'elles appartiennent à la même industrie ou horizontale. Enfin, les résultats indiquent que les acteurs de l'industrie de la carte à puce semblent encore préférer recourir aux alliances qu'aux acquisitions ce qui peut être considéré comme résultant du caractère non mature de cette industrie.

Coûts environnementaux des transports : quels usages dans le cadre de politiques de mobilité durableJournal articleOlivier Chanel and Guillaume Faburel, Infrastructures & Mobilité, Issue 69, pp. 8-9, 2007


Modeling Starting Point Bias as Unobserved Heterogeneity in Contingent Valuation Surveys: An Application to Air PollutionJournal articleOlivier Chanel and Stéphane Luchini, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 89, Issue 2, pp. 533-547, 2007

Up to now, the starting point bias has generally been considered to be a homogeneous phenomenon. In this article, we treat anchoring as an unobserved heterogeneous phenomenon. Our contribution is twofold. First, we show analytically and by way of simulations that assuming homogeneous anchoring can be hazardous and lead to misspecifications. Second, we propose an econometric model that starts with a dichotomous question and then uses an open-ended question. We finally apply our model to a contingent valuation survey on air quality. Our results suggest that how anchoring is modeled in empirical studies deserves more attention. Copyright 2007, Oxford University Press.

Retailers and consumers in sequential auctions of collectiblesJournal articleOlivier Chanel and Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-Jensen, Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 40, Issue 1, pp. 278-295, 2007

We analyse an independent private-value model, where heterogeneous bidders compete for objects sold in sequential second-price auctions. In this heterogeneous game, bidders may have differently distributed valuations, and some have multi-unit demand with decreasing marginal values (retailers); others have a specific single-unit demand (consumers). By examining equilibrium bidding strategies and price sequences, we show that the presence of consumers leads to more aggressive bidding from the retailers on average and heterogeneous bidders is a plausible explanation of the price decline effect. The study of the expected revenue of the seller confirms the interest of auctioneers in inviting different types of bidders.

Individual Responsiveness to Information in CV Surveys : Commitment MattersJournal articleOlivier Chanel, Susan Cleary and Stéphane Luchini, Revue d'économie politique, Volume 117, Issue 5, pp. 761-779, 2007

This paper enquires into the responsiveness of individuals to information in Contingent Valuation (CV). The impact of information is assessed using a sequential procedure in which individuals are successively presented with different levels of information. Two different types of information have been provided: scientific information about the good and information about the willingness to pay (WTP) values of the other respondents. Responsiveness to information is studied using an innovative CV survey where two groups of over 120 volunteers simultaneously provided their WTP (field experiment) and a standard telephone survey of over 240 respondents. Our results show (1) a higher level of responsiveness to scientific information than to information about the WTP values of other respondents and (2) a higher level of responsiveness in the field experiment than in the telephone survey. We discuss our findings using the theory of commitment borrowed from social psychology and explore the extent to which commitment could be a necessary requirement in the practical application of the CV method.