
Most of the information presented on this page have been retrieved from RePEc with the kind authorization of Christian Zimmermann
Decision-Making Tools for Informed Decisions by Health Policymakers and Managers. Ch. 14Book chapterMeesha Iqbal, Hiba Sameen, Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, Awad Mataria and Sameen Siddiq, In: Making Health Systems Work in Low and Middle Income Countries: Textbook for Public Health Practitioners, S. Siddiq, A. Mataria, K. D. Rouleau and M. Iqbal (Eds.), 2022-12, pp. 185-206, Cambridge University Press, 2022


Quelles conditions d'accès à l'emploi pour les jeunes mères isolées ?Book chapterStephen Bazen, Xavier Joutard and Hélène Périvier, In: Chemins vers l’emploi et la vie adulte : l’inégalité des possibles, Thomas Couppié, Arnaud Dupray, Céline Gasquet and Elsa Personnaz (Eds.), 2022-12, Number 4, pp. 97-105, CEREQ - Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications, 2022

Si la présence d’un enfant pénalise l’accès à l’emploi des jeunes mères, la monoparentalité n’aggrave pas leur capacité d’accès à un premier emploi. En revanche, être mère isolée retarde l’accès au CDI à temps complet des femmes les moins diplômées, et donc leur insertion durable, à l’inverse des plus diplômées.

Air Pollution and Health: Economic ImplicationsBook chapterOlivier Chanel, In: Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, K. F. Zimmermann (Eds.), 2022-10, pp. 1-42, Springer International Publishing, 2022

In September 2021, the World Health Organization decided to implement stronger air quality guidelines for protecting health, based on the last decade of research. Ambient air pollution (AAP) was already the first environmental risk to health in terms of number of premature deaths, and this decision suggests that the risk was seriously underestimated. This chapter covers the relationship between AAP and health from an economic perspective. The first part presents the major regulated air pollutants and their related health effects, the way population exposure is measured, and the individual vulnerability and susceptibility to AAP-related effects. Then, the main approaches that estimate the relationships between health effects and air pollutants are covered: pure observational and interventional/quasi-experimental studies. Up-to-date reviews of the most robust relationships, and of the main findings of interventional/causal inference methods, are detailed. Next, impact assessments studies are tackled and some recent global assessments of health impacts due to AAP are presented. Once calculated, the health impacts can be expressed in monetary terms to enter the decision-making process. The relevant approaches for valuing market and nonmarket health impacts – market prices, revealed and stated preferences – are critically outlined, and their adequation with the AAP context examined. Finally, the economic health-related impacts of AAP are presented and discussed, with specific sections devoted to the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach and inequity-related issues at national and international levels. This chapter concludes with a widening of the perspective that tackles interactions between AAP on the one hand and climate change and indoor pollution on the other hand.

An Economic Perspective on EpidemiologyBook chapterStéphane Luchini, Patrick Pintus and Miriam Teschl, In: Markt, Staat, Gesellschaft: Eine Festschrift für Richard Sturn, R. Dujmovits, E. Fehr, Ch. Gehrke and H. Kurz (Eds.), 2022-10, pp. 241-254, Metropolis Verlag, 2022
Le populiste et le rapport aux chiffresBook chapterAlain Trannoy, In: Des économistes répondent aux populistes, Hippolyte d'Albis and Françoise Benhamou (Eds.), 2022-04, pp. 49-58, Éditions Odile Jacob, 2022


L’Europe entre protectionnisme et libre-échangeBook chapterPierre Garello, In: De l'économie en Europe : droit-littérature-économie, 2022-03, pp. 19-28, PUAM, 2022
Inequality Measurement: Methods and DataBook chapterFrank A. Cowell and Emmanuel Flachaire, In: Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Klaus F. Zimmermann (Eds.), 2022-02-11, pp. 1-46, Springer International Publishing, 2022

In recent years there has been a surge of interest in the subject of inequality, fuelled by new facts and new thinking. The literature on inequality has expanded rapidly as official data on income, wealth, and other personal information have become richer and more easily accessible. Ideas about the meaning of inequality have expanded to encompass new concepts and different dimensions of economic inequality. The purpose of this chapter is to give a concise overview of the issues that are involved in translating ideas about inequality into practice using various types of data.

Testing for real estate bubblesBook chapterEric Girardin, Roselyne Joyeux and C. Leung, In: Handbook of Real Estate and Macroeconomics, 2022-02, pp. 137-164,Chap6, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022

This chapter provides a review of the recent literature on bubble testing in real estate markets. Starting from a theoretical overview of the specificities of real estate assets we assess the latest econometric methodology to detect the periods when a real estate bubble is present. In an illustration for the case of Japan's house prices over four decades, we focus on a two-step econometric strategy to first filter out the fundamental component in the price-to-rent ratio and then test for the possible explosive character of the, non-fundamental, residual. Such a strategy enables researchers both to avoid misleading signals about spurious bubbles, and to detect bubbles which may be hidden when focusing only on the price-to-rent ratio.

Les biens communs et l’enseignement social de l’EgliseBook chapterHervé Magnouloux, In: La propriété à la lumière de la doctrine sociale de l'Église, 2022-01-19, pp. 77-92, Téqui, 2022

Ce texte tente de dresser un état des lieux entre les similitudes que présente l’analyse économique des communs d’Elinor Ostrom et la doctrine sociale de l’Eglise (DSE), telle qu’elle s’exprime dans le Compendium et dans les encycliques du Pape François. La destination universelle des biens, avec pour objectif la satisfaction des besoins de l’humanité, est un des principes de la DSE. La réponse économique passe par la production de biens et services privés ou publics. Ostrom enrichit ces réponses à la destination universelle des biens en développant une troisième possibilité, la production par la coopération pour les communs. Par ailleurs, les travaux d’Elinor Ostrom confirment deux principes de la DSE, la participation et la subsidiarité. L’histoire économique montre que la gestion pérenne des communs passe par la participation de tous les agents concernés, participation qui se manifeste dans les décisions collectives et dans le contrôle. Cette participation stimule la qualité et la circulation de l’information, une qualité de la société que souligne l’encyclique Fratelli Tutti. Quant à l’organisation polycentrique qu’Ostrom étudie dans la gestion des nappes d’eau souterraines en Californie au XXème siècle, c’est une mise en valeur du principe de subsidiarité. Cette confrontation fait néanmoins naître des questions, en particulier sur la solidarité qui repose sur le souci du bien commun pour la DSE. Pour Elinor Ostrom, la solidarité repose sur l’intérêt personnel ou du groupe sur la longue période. Ostrom reste dans la logique de la rationalité économique, une vision commune du bien de l’humanité n’est pas nécessaire pour qu’une solidarité se manifeste. Malgré les interrogations qu’elle soulève, la convergence entre l’approche positive des communs et l’approche normative de la DSE est remarquable dans l’histoire de la connaissance.

The French school of proximity – Genesis and evolution of a school of thoughtBook chapterJean-Benoît Zimmermann, André Torre and Michel Grossetti, In: Handbook of Proximity Relations, A. Torre and D. Galaud (Eds.), 2022-01-18, pp. 49-69, 2022

In this chapter, we revisit the origins and genesis of the french school of proximity and its evolution trough time, in order to better understand how and why the small group of researchers who were the driving force of this new way of thinking were quickly able to get a real legitimacy and effective recognition. First of all, it was clear that the role of space in economic dynamics was too often the subject of confusion and abusive assertions. Asking this question in terms of coordination made it possible to consider non-spatial factors in the analysis. The notion of proximity as a polysemic concept therefore opened the way to understanding how space matters or not, together with these other factors thus a renewed approach of questions related to space and territories. But, even starting from issues of economic nature, such an approach could not remain limited to its economic dimension, the questions of coordination involving social individuals, located in geographical space but also embedded in bundles of relationships and in institutions. Thus, it had to broaden very quickly to other disciplines in social sciences which largely contributed to consolidate the bases of what became a multidisciplinary approach and to develop theoretical as well as empirical tools.