Rental and eviction: a question of social connections?

Dialogues économiques
Renting an apartment is not always an easy task. Between providing the numerous necessary documents and navigating a competitive rental market, finding a home sometimes becomes a matter of social connections and knowing the right person. It is possible that this problem is linked to the cumbersome legal proceedings necessary for eviction in the case of non-payment of rent by tenants. Eviction procedures can be long and extremely costly, particularly in countries where people have strong ties with family and friends, such as in southern Europe. This correlation is subject to analysis by Antoine Bonleu.
September 02nd 2020

Previously issued

  • Press

Are the ultra-rich fleeing taxation?

Ségal Le Guern Herry (AMU/ AMSE) took part in the “Entendez-vous l'éco” program on France Culture, which devoted a program to the relationship between the ultra-rich and taxation.
September 18th 2024
  • Lectures

Festival Allez Savoir #5

Only in French - From September 26th to 29th, will take place the Allez Savoir Social Sciences Festival, organized by EHESS and the City of Marseille. This 5th edition is co-chaired by Miriam Teschl (EHESS/AMSE).
September 18th 2024
  • Op-Ed

Budget : la bataille de la TVA

Only in French - Op-ed article by Alain Trannoy (EHESS / AMSE) published by Les Echos
September 12th 2024