Alain Trannoy

Interdisciplinary seminars
History and economics seminar

Alain Trannoy

Le grand retour de la terre dans les patrimoines
Wednesday, February 2 2022| 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Jean Boutier: jean.boutier[at]
Alice Fabre: alice.fabre[at]
Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa: cecilia.garcia-penalosa[at]
Alain Trannoy: alain.trannoy[at]
Arundhati Virmani: arundhati.virmani[at]


The seminar will be an opportunity to present and discuss, in a cross historical / economic perspective, the results of the book "Le grand retour de la terre dans les patrimoines, et pourquoi c'est une bonne nouvelle", published by A. Trannoy and E. Wasmer (Ed. Odile Jacob, 2022).

Discussant: Gérard Béaur (EHESS, ERHIMOR)
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More information

The seminar will take place in hybrid format:
- in person at the Vieille-Charité, room A
- online via this Zoom link / Meeting ID: 914 2007 5303 - Secret code: AT