Coalition Theory Network 24th Conference


Coalition Theory Network 24th Conference


Maison de la Recherche

Maison de la Recherche

Site Schuman
29, av. Robert Schuman
13621 Aix-en-Provence cedex 01

Thursday, May 16 2019| 8:30am to Friday, May 17 2019| 5:00pm



The Coalition Theory Network (CTN) is an association of 9 high-level scientific institutions whose aim is the advancement and diffusion of research in the area of network theory and coalition formation.

The conference will be mainly devoted to the theoretical and empirical analysis of networks and groups. This pertains to different aspects of social economics systems, such as the management of international public goods, the formation of industrial cartels and collaborations, the patterns of racial integration in social networks, information transmission and incentives, the structure and properties of informal safety nets.

This year, the keynote speakers will be:

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