Jürgen Meyerhoff

General seminars
amse seminar

Jürgen Meyerhoff

TU Berlin
Can cheap talk scripts in combination with opt-out reminders nail down fat yes-tails in choice experiments?
Joint with
Christine Bertram, Klaus Glenk, Katrin Rehdanz

IBD Amphi

Îlot Bernard du Bois - Amphithéâtre

5-9 boulevard Maurice Bourdet
13001 Marseille

Monday, December 10 2018| 2:30pm to 3:45pm

Sarah Flèche: sarah.fleche[at]univ-amu.fr
Agnès Tomini: agnes.tomini[at]univ-amu.fr


The problem of fat yes-tail responses is well known from contingent valuation but has not been investigated thoroughly in the context of choice experiments. In this study, we use eight independent split-samples with nearly 3600 respondents and systematically combine four different bid vectors with a joint cheap talk (CT) and opt-out reminder (OOR) device. Bid vectors differ with the respect to the four highest bid values increasing to usually not used values in choice experiments. Results clearly show that without a CT&OOR device a strong fat-tail effect is present, and WTP estimates are seriously inflated. In contrast, when the same bid vectors are used in combination with the CT&OOR device, the fat tail problem is strongly mitigated and WTP estimates are close to each other. However, results also indicate that the CT&OOR device does not nail down fat tails completely. As we have only applied CT and OOR jointly, more research into the effect of these devices and their strength is thus needed. Another striking result is that the impact of the CT&OOR device varies across attributes. We speculate that this is an effect of respondents’ distance to the Baltic Sea and the varying non-use components of the attributes.

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